Author: Rebecca

CBD and Employer Drug TestingCBD

CBD and Employer Drug Testing: What You Need to Know!

CBD's increased consumer popularity is primarily because it is not intoxicating and due to its therapeutic properties. States, where marijuana use is prohibited sell CBD products. They can also be purchased in places where cannabis use for either medical or …
Does Vape Juice ExpireVaping

Does Vape Juice Expire: A Beginners Vaping Guide

With an increasingly growing trend of vaping, the demand for vape juice has also increased simultaneously. Vaping has replaced conventional cigarette smoking; now, vapers use vape juice to inhale it, which is why it is also called an electronic cigarette. …
Can you take CBD oil on a planeCBD

Can you take CBD oil on a plane? Let’s find it out!

As the growing trend of cbd worldwide, the consumption of cbd has increased greatly. People from different origins consume cbd. People with anxiety and other CNS-related disorders want to travel with cbd because of its addictive properties. But can you …

Can I use CBD for PMS? Effects of CBD on Menstruation

PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome, a common condition many women face in the reproductive age group. Its symptoms could be physical and emotional, occurring in days or weeks leading up to the periods. These symptoms include bloating, breast tenderness, mood …